Microbial Cell Culture


Important Topics Of Microbial Cell Culture & Application

  • Media
  • Culture techniques
  • Sterilization Techniques
  1. Lab Scale
  2. Industrial Scale
  • Types Of Cultures
  1. Batch Culture
  2. Fed-Batch Culture
  3. Continuous Culture
  • Chemostat
  • Turbidostat
  • Measurement Of Microbial Growth
  1. Measurement Of Dry Weight
  2. Measuring Absorbance In Spectrophotometre
  3. Wet Weight Measurement
  4. ATP Measurement
  5. Viable Plate Count
  6. Coulter Counter Method
  • Growth Kinetics/Specific Growth Rate
  • Doubling Time/Generation Time
  • Growth Kinetics With Respect To Biomass
  • Scale Up Of Microbial Process
  • Culture/Stain Preservation Techniques
  1. Storage On Agar
  2. Storage In Liquid N2
  3. Freeze Drying In Vaccum
  • Culture Collection Centres
  • Application Of Microbial Culture
  • Biosafety Issues
  • Strain Isolation, Improvement & Preservation
  1. Mutation
  2. By Genetic Engineering
  • Problem In Expression Of Eukaryotic Gene With Prokaryotic Host
  • Metagenomics

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